Thursday 22 September 2011

E4 Research

E4 launched as a pay – TV companion to channel 4 in 2001 but in 2004 E4 become apart of free view and is a very successful channel. The channel is mainly aimed at the 16-34 age group. E4 has a wide range of programmes from drama to comedies. As well as showing British shows like Shameless, Skins and the Inbetweeners. Its also shows programmes imported from America like the Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother and 90210. They also air music programmes at spectic times during the day E4 also has a catch up channel known as E4+1 where you can watch the programme you missed an hour later, there's also 4oD: their official website where you can catch up on programmes you missed on television.

The E4 channel has a very recognizable look, with their simple and easily recognizable logo and the color purple. the channel has a look which is appealing to young adults and teenagers, with their advertising of programmes and the channel. One of their most recognizable ways of advertising their channel is by make idents using stop motion animation and using the right music to play as a background sound which helps a lot with getting people attracted to the channel.

Existing E4 stings

For my research into making a sting for E4 i looked at ones other people have made in the past.

Above is a sting someone made for the E4 competition in 2009 (didn't win).

Below is an E4 Ident from a recent appearance on television.

Below an Ident for E4 music. 

Monday 19 September 2011

Tester Animation


This is the storyboard we choose to draw for our idea, it also gave us a guideline for the camera angles, movement and how the animation will plan out. Using a storyboard helped us a lot and with the planning  this allowed use to start shooting straight away because we were confident in what we were doing with camera angels and the movement of the props because we planned it before.

Production Schedule


Layla - Animator
Billy - Camera Operator 
Risha- Editor


Banana - Real banana or a banana made out of plasticine which both can be perchased from mostly any supermarket.
Box- A cardboard Box can easily be found or made.                                                   

Discussed within the group and comfirmed on the table of the studio.

Final Animation