Thursday 20 October 2011

Final E4 ident

In this project we came up with a few ideas. We started with an idea of an alien that winds up a huge jack in the box, then the E4 logo springs out and hit the alien in the heads, which we would have been shot on the moon set made out of plasticine or clay, but we struggled with the making of the set. So then we changed the whole idea. Our second and final idea was to shoot from a bird’s eye view of a woman with long, thick hair so then we could make the hair look like its moving. Then we had sunglasses coming in to the shot and they made their way on to the face and their facial expressions slowly change. Then she will slowly turn her head and the E4 logo will be attached to her hair, then the camera zooms in a bit on the E4 logo. We came up with this idea after our first idea didn’t work out. My role for this project was editor. My partner’s role was camera operator. We both directed and animated throughout the tests and final animation. We had a bit of trouble with the bird’s eye view because we didn’t have the proper equipment therefore we found shadows and blurs from the tri-pod. I found the animation as a whole to be quite successful except for the last 3 seconds where the light changes slightly but we tried to edit the photos lighter, which didn’t really work. I also found the music went well with the animation, like when the sunglasses came into shot and the music changes in time. I also think that the testers worked a bit better than the final animation. Once we completed our animation I was asked to present it to the class. I thought that showing the class helped a lot with the ideas on how to improve our animation. We got an even amount of positive and comments on how to improve back from the class. A few people said it was quirky, well executed and they said it look very professional. Then a few other people made comments on how I could improve our animation like the back ground could have been more busy like something else happens like in the testers were we had ribbon in the back ground along with the sunglasses. They also said her eyes should of followed the glasses and that her mouth should of stay shut. A few more people said it was different and interesting in a good way. And the music suited the mood and went with the movements. The main thing people picked up on was the E4 logo at the end was not centred, not straight or zoomed in enough. I feel that if we made the changes that were suggested our E4 ident would be a lot better than it already is. I’m very happy with the way it turned out. I also believe it was very successful.

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